NEW: JavaScript improvements: plugin for Vue.js, auto import for React components, new ES6 quick-fixes, sorting imports by module, angular language service, improved TSLint support, better testing experience, completion in package.json, support for Standard code style, module dependency diagram, new code style options. NEW: Groovy improvements: Logback and Parameter Hints. NEW: Gradle improvements: Composite Builds. NEW: Scala improvements: Coding assistance for Akka, SBT, Project Wizard, Worksheet REPL mode. NEW: Kotlin improvements: JavaScript support, Coroutines. NEW: Spring improvements: Spring Data support, Spring Testing, Spring MVC support. NEW: User interface improvements: find in Path, emoji in Editor. NEW: Version control improvements: more display and search options in Log, ignore imports and formatting in Diff, File history: performance and branches, Branches popup: favorites and speed search.
NEW: JVM debugger improvements: Async stacktraces, stepping into async code, memory view in Debug, emulated method breakpoints.
The IDE supports the latest versions of JDK, helps import projects and offers coding assistance when editing module declarations.
NEW: Java improvements: the update brings support for the upcoming Java 9 and its new module system. IntelliJ IDEA offers support for Java EE, Spring/Hibernate and other technology stacks. IntelliJ IDEA’s functionality is continuously extended by users and third parties via plugins. Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA is specifically designed to maximize developer productivity. IntelliJ IDEA is an intelligent Java IDE that provides a robust combination of development tools. Code-centric IDE for JVM-based and polyglot projects including support for Java EE, Spring/Hibernate and other technology stacks and duplicate code search, structural search and replace and dependency structure matrix tools.